



Professional standard recording. Attention to detail and regular communication. Thank you!


Amvis did a outstanding job with this track!! His talent is top notch. Lyrics, Melody, and Performance are all excellent. Thank You!


I have got something exciting brewing, and I need your help! If you’ve been loving my vocal samples and want to shout it from the digital rooftops, I am ready to gift you a Standard License in exchange for a candid UGC style video testimonial.

What’s in it for you? Well, it’s the crème de la crème of licenses, allowing you to go all out with my vocal samples in your tunes!

Here’s the lowdown:

Step 1: Create a quick video sharing your thoughts. Tell us about your vocal sample experience – what’s made your music pop, what’s unique, and how they’ve taken your tunes to the next level.

Step 2: Share your video on your fave platform. Think Tiktok, Insta, Youtube – wherever your music pals hang out.

Step 3: Shoot me the link to your video, and if it’s spot-on, I’ll hook you up with that super-duper Standard License!

Your testimonial doesn’t just help us; it’s gold for fellow music creators on the hunt for killer vocal samples. Your real talk can inspire and guide others in the community.

Ready to dive in? Give Me A Shout and I’ll spill all the deets. 



You will receive your login details via email.


A. Delivery
1. After the payment is made, the Vocal will be delivered via e-mail as a download link. The licensee can also download the file(s) directly from their account page.
2. The licensee will receive 1x Wet Vocal 320kbps MP3 (Vocal Mix), 1x Wet Vocal 24-bit 44.1 KHz WAV (Vocal Mix), Dry Vocal Stems & Wet Vocal Stems

B. Use of the vocal track
1. Amvis grants the Licensee non-exclusive rights to use the vocal in one new song (different versions such as extended mix included).

C. General terms
1. The license cannot be transferred to someone else and is for the sole purpose of creating a song. The license nor the les cannot be resold.
2. The vocal may already has been sold to multiple parties. Therefore, it is prohibited from registering the vocal or the song with any content
identication system.
3. The vocals will not be made available for purchase by any other party, exclusives are only sold once.
4. Amvis will still be the owner of the vocal track and the ownership won’t be transferred.
5. Any use of the vocals shall require proper crediting of Amvis as both a Vocalist and Songwriter. Credit to Amvis is mandatory

D. Usage Rights
1. The licensee may upload the new song onto streaming and video services such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube etc…) and is allowed to have a
total number of streams/views plays across platforms of unlimited.
2. The licensee may offer free and paid downloads which can be downloaded unlimited times.
3. The song can be played across unlimited radio stations
4. The song can be publicly performed
5. The licensee may not sell or offer a free download the vocal track itself.

E. Royalties
1. All royalties collected go to the licensee/buyer.
2. The publishing and writer’s share will be divided between the parties, with a 50/50 split between the licensee/buyer and Amvis.

G. Violation of Agreement
1. Upon violation of any terms by the licensee, Amvis has the right to terminate the agreement after written notice to licensee after 30 days.
2. Jurisdiction takes place in United Kingdom


A. Delivery
1. After the payment is made, the Vocal will be delivered via e-mail as a download link. The licensee can also download the File(s) directly from their account page.
2. The licensee will receive 1x Wet Vocal 320kbps MP3 (Vocal Mix), 1x Wet Vocal 24-bit 44.1 KHz WAV (Vocal Mix) & Wet Vocal Stems

B. Use of the vocal track
1. Amvis grants the Licensee non-exclusive rights to use the vocal in one new song (different versions such as extended mix included).

C. General terms
1. The license cannot be transferred to someone else and is for the sole purpose of creating a song. The license nor the les cannot be resold.
2. The vocal may already has been sold to multiple parties. Therefore, it is prohibited from registering the vocal or the song with any content
identication system.
3. The licensee agrees that the agreement is non-exclusive and acknowledges that the vocal can be resold under the same or different terms to
someone else.
4. Amvis will still be the owner of the vocal track and the ownership won’t be transferred.
5. Any use of the vocals shall require proper crediting of Amvis as both a Vocalist and Songwriter. Credit to Amvis is mandatory

D. Usage Rights
1. The licensee may upload the new song onto streaming and video services such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube etc…) and is allowed to have a
total number of streams/views plays across platforms of unlimited.
2. The licensee may offer free and paid downloads which can be downloaded unlimited times.
3. The song can be played across unlimited radio stations
4. The song can be publicly performed
5. The licensee may not sell or offer a free download the vocal track itself.

E. Royalties
1. All royalties collected go to the licensee/buyer.
2. The publishing and writer’s share will be divided between the parties, with a 50/50 split between the licensee/buyer and Amvis.

G. Violation of Agreement
1. Upon violation of any terms by the licensee, Amvis has the right to terminate the agreement after written notice to licensee after 30 days.
2. Jurisdiction takes place in United Kingdom


A. Delivery
1. After the payment is made, the Vocal will be delivered via e-mail as a download link. The licensee can also download the file(s) directly from their account page.
2. The licensee will receive 1x Wet Vocal 320kbps MP3 (Vocal Mix)

B. Use of the vocal track
1. Amvis grants the Licensee non-exclusive rights to use the vocal in one new song (different versions such as extended mix included).

C. General terms
1. The license cannot be transferred to someone else and is for the sole purpose of creating a song. The license nor the files cannot be resold.
2. The vocal may already has been sold to multiple parties. Therefore, it is prohibited from registering the vocal or the song with any content identication system.
3. The licensee agrees that the agreement is non-exclusive and acknowledges that the vocal can be resold under the same or different terms to someone else.
4. Amvis will still be the owner of the vocal track and the ownership won’t be transferred.
5. Any use of the vocals shall require proper crediting of Amvis as both a Vocalist and Songwriter. Credit to Amvis is mandatory

D. Usage Rights
1. The licensee may upload the new song onto streaming and video services such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube etc…) and is allowed to have a
total number of streams/views plays across platforms of unlimited.
2. The licensee may offer free and paid downloads which can be downloaded unlimited times.
3. The song can be played across unlimited radio stations
4. The song can be publicly performed
5. The licensee may not sell or offer a free download the vocal track itself.

E. Royalties
1. All royalties collected go to the licensee/buyer.
2. The publishing and writer’s share will be divided between the parties, with a 50/50 split between the licensee/buyer and Amvis.
G. Violation of Agreement
1. Upon violation of any terms by the licensee, Amvis has the right to terminate the agreement after written notice to licensee after 30 days.
2. Jurisdiction takes place in United Kingdom